Dear BMDAM Members,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Association will be held at :
Venue : BMDAM’s Secretariat Office
4.07, 4th Floor, BICMA Building,
2 Jalan 243/51A, Petaling Jaya.
Date : 27th August 2020 (Thursday)
Time : 11.00 am
1. Speech by the President of BMDAM.
2. To receive and adopt the audited Statement of Accounts of the Association for the financial year ended 31st December 2019.
3. To re-appoint M/s Poh & Tan as the auditors of the Association at a remuneration to be fixed by the Executive Committee.
4. To elect members of the new Executive Committee who will hold office for a two-year term until the Annual General Meeting two years thereafter.
4.1 One President
4.2 One Vice President
4.3 One Honorary Secretary
4.4 One Honorary Treasurer
4.5 Fourteen Committee Members
4.6 To appoint Four Trustees
– pursuant to Article X of the Constitution
5. To accept and adopt the revised and updated Constitution of the Association.
6. To decide any resolution that may be submitted to the meeting as provided under Article XIII (2).
7. To transact any other business.
Should you have any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact BMDAM Secretariat Office :
Ms Winny Tay/Ms Audrey Choo/Ms Sharon Jong at or or or call 03-7874 4989 for further information.
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Secretariat Office
Building Materials Distributors Association Of Malaysia
(Persatuan Pengedar Bahan-Bahan Binaan Malaysia)